How It Works

NetNeutrals is an innovative way to resolve disputes quickly and fairly. We pride ourselves on being a professional, reliable, and streamlined online dispute resolution resource that saves you time and money.
Our Process
Online dispute resolution uses traditional, proven systems for settling disputes such as conciliation, mediation and adjudication and merges them with the online environment. resolving disputes is our business. We pride ourselves on being a professional, reliable and streamlined online dispute resource.


Both parties can participate fully in the process. You can be sure that you're being heard.


Some dispute resolution processes take months to complete, and court proceedings can drag on for years. NetNeutrals offers a speedy alternative so you can move forward. 


Whether you are starting a new case or logging into an existing one, the forum is just a click away. Access your case 24 hours a day.

About the Mediation Process

Opening a Case

A NetNeutrals case begins when a Complainant submits an eligible complaint. The Respondent is then notified and the forum is opened.

Here are a few examples of reasons why NetNeutrals EU may deny a case:

  1. The Complainant has not attempted to contact the Respondent regarding the complaint,
  2. The dispute is frivolous or vexatious,
  3. The dispute is being or has been previously considered by another certified ADR provider or by a court,
  4. The value falls below €100, or
  5. The Complainant  submits a complaint more than 12 months after the date the Complainant and Respondent were unable to resolve the issues.

Additionally, NetNeutrals EU may deny a case based on the following concerns:

  1. Claims that would monopolise NetNeutrals EU resources,
  2. Be in direct conflict with NetNeutrals EU programme rules, or
  3. Be considered a conflict of interest or in which impartiality would be in question. 

1. Conciliation

In the conciliation phase, you can add more detail about your complaint and upload photos and other documents to a negotiation forum. There the parties can discuss the issue directly and try to reach a settlement or understanding without the assistance of a trained third party. 
  • Be heard.  You can fully explain the experience you have had.
  • Get easy accessParties can log on and describe their issues at any time of the day or night from any location.
  • Find a solution.  You can suggest what would solve your problem or make you happy.

2. Mediation

In mediation, a neutral third party (the Mediator) joins in the forum to help find resolution.  Meditators are professionals with expertise in the field of your dispute. The Mediator helps the parties to communicate effectively with one another and evaluate possible solutions.  


Mediator Selection
Proposed Settlement


Proposed Settlement
Acceptance or


Changes to Proposed

3. Adjudication

If a case cannot be resolved through mediation, the parties may choose to move on to adjudication.  In adjudication, additional fees are paid.  An Adjudicator, a new third-party neutral is selected and invited in to review the case and all the activity in the forum.

The assigned Adjudicator reviews all the information presented and makes a final decision

General Rules

  • Process is usually free to complainant
  • Available for both domestic and cross-border disputes; involving e-commerce, timeshare, travel and domain disputes
  • Complainant must have already contacted the respondent and be unsatisfied with the response to the complaint
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Officials (Mediators and Adjudicators) are neutral parties without personal or professional connections with the Complaint or Respondent. They have expertise in the law and subject matter.
  • Consumers cannot file for ADR with a second ADR provider
  • Process is voluntary; either party may leave the process at any time
  • Complaint cannot be more than one year old
  • Process generally takes less than 90 days
Have any additional questions?
Drop us a line and we will get back
to you shortly.
​ Fill out the form if you are having trouble opening a case or if you have another question about our process. We will review your case and get back to you as soon as possible.

NetNeutrals EU
6 Fern Road
Sandyford Business Park
Dublin 18
D18 FP98 
+353 15312836
NetNeutrals EU is an approved Dispute Resolution body under the European Union (Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes) Regulations 2015