Sign-Up Process
Tell us about your business
A Net Neutrals account exec will contact you within 1 business day.
Verify your details / Pay registration fee  
Sign agreements
Registration complete!
You earn a credit toward your first case. 
100 or fewer cases per year 

€100 / £90 (+VAT) Registration fee 

€100 / £90 (+VAT) Case fee - Conciliation forum 

Not settled? Invite in a professional for €100 / £90 (+VAT) Mediation services 

Not settled? Invite in a Neutral for final adjudication €50 / £45 (+VAT) Adjudication fee 

€115 / £100 (+VAT) Case Fee for Aviation disputes

ADR Scheme Rules for Aviation claims can be viewed Here.
Corporate Accounts
More than 100 cases per year 

Corporate rates available.
Discuss with the NetNeutrals account executive when contacted after registration. 
Sign up for NetNeutrals
EU Alternative Dispute Resolution 
Please complete the following information to register with NetNeutrals EU for Alternative Dispute Resolution. 
​ Fill out the form if you are having trouble opening a case or if you have another question about our process. We will review your case and get back to you as soon as possible.

NetNeutrals EU
6 Fern Road
Sandyford Business Park
Dublin 18
D18 FP98 
+353 15312836
NetNeutrals EU is an approved Dispute Resolution body under the European Union (Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes) Regulations 2015